THF picked as Charity Partner with Sky Betting & Gaming

So excited to announce that Sky Betting & Gaming has chosen The Howarth Foundation as a Charity Partner in the #Leeds area.
THF will be part of the Community Referral Scheme for the next 12 months; we couldn’t be more proud!
Bradley Sykes states, “I was SO nervous during my presentation, but it was so FUN to present to all the wonderful charities that came to our welcome event. The welcome event was for our new referral scheme, which allows us to give a part of our referral fee, from successful referrals from our colleagues to our new charity partners ❤
- The Howarth Foundation
- Henshaws
- Autism Plus
- Project Hope
- Shine Workspace (Leeds)
Last year if we had done this scheme, we would have been able to give away £38,000! Sky Betting & Gaming will always value community, and we are all honoured to keep helping out???????? A big thanks to Bradley, Josh and Holly for seeing the value in our small, family charity, which is making an impact with the homeless.